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Workflow and Color Management Solutions

Innovative Solutions for Commercial and Industrial Printing


ColorGATE RIP software solutions are characterized by their modular architecture, which allows nearly unlimited possible applications and extensions. With Productionserver, as well as with Filmgate and Proofgate, ColorGATE offers nuanced solutions for each application, production technology, and environment with the following features: High-quality components, Optimal color reproduction, Consistency of reproduction at any time, Maximum productivity, Intuitive control concept, and user interface. ColorGATE utilizes the latest Adobe PDF Print Engine (APPE) by default – the market-leading RIP engine for a fast image processing of complex graphics without any surprises. Every ColorGATE RIP software solution can be configured freely corresponding to your individual requirements.

RIP Software




Proofgate is the outstanding RIP Software for digital contract proofing based on ISO standard 12647-7 and FOGRA reference values 39, 51 and 52 for maximum color accuracy.


ColorGATE proof solutions target in-house and corporate users in design and advertising agencies, marketing and communication departments, pre-press companies and departments.

Proofgate guarantees production reliability with digital proofing.
The software includes MIM-Sets with optimized devicelink profiles for all popular proofing standards and digital proof printers.


The unique ColorGATE technique Media Device Synchronization MDS enables fast recalibration of all connected printing systems for optimal proofing results with maximum color accuracy.

  • Proof software with all the latest features with the direct support of PDF/X-4, X-5, PostScript 3, EPS and most common bitmap file formats

  • Absolutely easy set-up, operation, proof output, evaluation, and proof certification

  • All functions for digital proofing are already included in the package

  • Automizable and pre-definable job and workflow settings

  • Media Device Synchronization MDS for accurate printer-to-printer calibration also for de-centralized production sites (remote proofing)

  • DeviceLink profiles are included for many current, international printing standards

  • Easy adjustment of individual proofing system without the need of individual profle creation


RIP Software


Productionserver Family


The Productionserver product family consists of highly flexible RIP software solutions that ensure to meet and configure individual requirements when the highest quality demands are needed. All individual applications ensure excellent Color Management with optimum color rendering and consistent reproduction at any time. Whether large, wide and grand format printing, digital production according to international standards, such as ISO, FOGRA, PSD, Gracol, G7 as well as for campaign printing, textile or for screen printing and print and cut - the PS Line-up offers the optimal RIP configuration for all types of digital print services. ColorGATE always utilizes the latest Adobe PDF Print Engine (APPE) in its basic solutions.



  • High-quality components

  • Optimal color reproduction

  • Consistency of reproduction at any time

  • Maximum productivity

  • Intuitive control concept and user interface

  • Productionserver provides access to implement highly efficient, digital print & proofing workflows by its modular and flexible design. Excellent Color Management for optimal
    color reproduction with neutral grey tones, natural skin tones, and brilliant colors are based on the unique recalibration technique: Media Device Synchronization (MDS). Furthermore, Productionserver is capable of standard-compliant production according to international standards, such as ISO 12647, G7 and ProcessStandard Digital (PSD).

  • Easy, flexible configuration thanks to Output Management Sets (OMS) respectively to the requirements: number of printers, printer driver category

  • The latest Adobe PDF Print Engine (APPE) is a permanent feature of every basic product

  • Ink Saver Technology - Less Ink Same Quality. With Ink Saver Module - the total amount of ink can be reduced by up to 30 percent without a visible loss of quality, which also means a reduction of the total printing costs.

  • In combination with a Value Pack additional products can be purchased with a discount


RIP Software



Filmgate is the worldwide leading RIP Software for chemical-free film production using inkjet printers for flexo-, offset- and screen printing in high-end quality. Filmgate is available for Productionserver as the Film and Plate Module (FPM). Productionserver in combination with FPM, Computer to Screen Module (CTSM), In-RIP-Trapping Module (TRAPM) and Proof Standard Digital Module (PSDM) covers CTSApplications or digital proofing in terms of the creation of color or screen binding.


  • Solution for comprehensive pre-press using digital printing systems

  • Consistently reproducible results and maximum reliability in the production process due to unique ColorGATE MIM (media ink metamode) technology

  • Reliable end-to-end processing of composite PDF (PDF/X-4, X-5) as well as separated PDF files

  • Predefined screening sets and linearizations for all popular inkjet printer series and screen rulings (up to 180lpi)

  • Innovative, integrated screening technology for almost any area of application: Custom Screen (Free definition of screen angles, dot forms and line resolutions), Super Rosette 2 (Sharp-edged, homogenous printed images resulting from screen angles of the highest precision), Frequency Screen (Frequency modulated screen with controllable dot size), Hybrid Screen 2 (Combines the advantages of the two screen technologies, Super Rosette 2 and Frequency Screen)​

  • ​​​Full support of an unlimited amount of spot colors; individual sets and screening settings can also be defined for spot colors

  • Highly efficient ICC color management for color-accurate In-RIP separation

  • Adequate film material: CG Reprofilm HD and CG Screenfilm Waterbased are the ideal daylight media for high-end screen printing production.

  • For Productionserver, Filmgate is available as optional Film and Plate Module (FPM)


Add one or more Output Management Sets (OMS). Starting with version 10.10 Adobe PDF Print Engine (APPE) is included in Filmgate basic products and therefore separated from OMS sets. The OMS are differentiated by the different printer drivers categories (S,M,L,P).

Industrial Applications

Industrial Productionserver

The new application-specific Industrial Productionserver solutions are based on ColorGATE expertise in color management and the intelligent control of printing systems for many different applications. They combine top performance in quality, productivity, and automation and deliver - due to the Productionserver architecture with proven UI-concept - high clarity, coupled with modular available functionality for detailed requirements.


ColorGATE achieves Certification for G7 Calibration


IDEAlliance/ColorGATE is proud to announce that Productionserver 7 has successfully completed the IDEAlliance G7 systems certification and is now an officially certified G7 System. Productionserver 7 is a large format RIP solution that creates G7 compliant curve calibrations, providing a seamless implementation of G7 for print service providers.




To Download and Request a Demo License please follow the instructions below:


  1. Complete and send Demo Request Form to request a dongle and temporary license 
  2. Register your company information with ColorGate click here
  3. Go to the Downloads page

  4. Download the appropriate software




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 Address. 11767 S. Dixie Hwy, Miami, FL 33156

Tel. 305.498.8721

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